How you can help this ministry

1 / Contact Me!
I am looking for like-minded Christians to start local apologetics discussion groups so that we can build each other up in our individuals studies.
2 / Connect Me With Your Pastor
I coordinate with local pastors to provide apologetics classes at their churches. I want them to be able to offer these resources at their church for their congregation and interested people in their area. You introducing me to your pastor, especially in person, is the best way to do this. But just asking him to check out this website and contact me would be awesome!
3 / Pray For This Ministry
Please petition the Lord to remember this ministry and to bless it in a way that enhances the Kingdom of God.
4 / Financial Support
I do this full-time and, in order to help out local churches as much as possible, I offer to facilitate these classes for free. If you would like to give to this effort, please do one or more of the following:
1. Use the "Donate" button on this website
2. Contribute to our Patreon
3. @simon-williams-35 on Venmo
4. $simonwill19 on Cash App

Thanks for your interest in Northeast Christian Apologetics. For more information, feel free to get in touch and I will get back to you soon!
860 556-3373